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Primary tool for protein threading.  Includes pthread support to speed up threading against a library on a multi-core system

An MPI enabled version of Prospect, threads multiple templates on different computers simlatiously

Sort and convert alignments output by prospect

Convert a set of prospect files into a modeller run

Perl Script to run PsiPred secondary structure prediction and convert the results to the SSP format

A Perl Script Generate your own threading template based on a PDB file
A Python Script to Generate your own threading templates based on a PDB file (this one is considered to be more 'current')

Generate a checkpoint file with PsiBlast
Parse the checkpoint file output by PsiBlast

Tool Examples d1ash__.seq
Run BlastPGP on a FASTA file, then run PsiPred to predict the secondary structure, and then convert the data to a format usable by prospect

prospect  -fssp d1ash_.ssp -o out.d1ash__.xml 
Run prospect on the SSP file d1ash__.ssp, and save the results in out.d1ash_.xml

prospect_convert out.d1ash__.xml -list -raw
List contents of out.d1ash__.xml, sorted by RawScore d1ash__.ent > d1ash__.xml
Generate a template file for the PDB file d1ash__.ent

prospect -fssp d1ash__.ssp -ftemplate d1ash__.xml -o out.d1ash__.xml
Run prospect on the SSP file d1ash__.ssp against the specific template d1ash__.xml and save the results in out.d1ash__.xml

prospect -fxml d1ash__.xml -ftlist test.list -o out.d1ash__.xml -ncpus 1:2 -zscore -zscore_full -zcycles 100 -zscore_energy -wname vardel -oweights
Run prospect on the xml file d1ash__.xml against the template list in file test.list and output to out.d1ash__.xml.  The multiprocessing option should do one threading at a time, but use 2 processors when possible (usually when calculating the zscore).  A request to calculate the lite zscore and the full zscore, and do a sampling of 100 decoys.  Also include the zscore energy in the file output as well as the weight parameters that were used.  Also use the weight parameter set that include the variable deletion model.

prospect2modeller -t test out.d1ash__.xml d1jboa_ my_modeller_dir
Convert the alignment to d1jboa_ in out.d1ash__.xml to the files needed to do a modeller run inside the directory my_modeller_dir.  Name the modeller target 'test'.

Prospect Command Line Arguments

-fssp <file path>        : The SSP file of the target to be threaded
-ftemplate <file path>  : The xml file of the template
the target is to be threaded against

-frestart <file path>  : The output xml file to resume
a set of threadings from

-zscore  : Calculate and output the Zscore
-zscore_full  : Calculate and output the Zscore Full

-ainteger  : Use the integer programming methods
to solve threading problems

-fseq : Fasta formated sequence input
-fphd : PHD formated secondary structure prediction input
-ffreq : Freq (text version of a chk file) formatted input
-fssp : SSP secondary structure prediction formatted input
-frestart : XML file to resume threading list
-fdist : Distance definitions (test code)
-fconf : Configuration file (expired)
-o : Output file path
-qname : Define target name
-ftlist : File listing the templates to be threaded against
-ftemplate : Specific template file to be threaded against
-tname : Find template in path by name
-help : Print instructions
-zscore : Calculate the zscore
-zscore_full : Calculate the zscore using the 'full' calculation (rethread shuffled decoys using dynamic programming)
-zscore_energy : Calculate the zscores of the individual energies
-zcycles : Number of samples to try with zscore calculations
-filter : Attempt to shrink the alignment problem by filtering out bad places to put cores (TEST CODE)
-noloop : Don't include loop regions in calculating the energy against the template (TEST CODE)
-adynamic : Use the dynamic programming algorithm to calculate the alignment (DEFAULT)
-ainteger : Use the integer programming algorithm to calculate the alignment
-ainteger_div : (TEST CODE)
-ainteger_gtmip : (TEST CODE)
-ainteger_sift : (TEST CODE)
-ainteger_coredel : Use the integer programming algorithm to calculate the alignment, with an expanded model that allows for core deletions
-atreedecomp : (TEST CODE)
-fork : Fork before doing the threading, thus if there is a crash, the main app won't die
-ncpus : Expand out to multiple CPUs, using pThreads
-max_mem : (TEST CODE)
-wmutation : Adjust the weight parameter of the Mutation energy
-wmutationlog : Adjust the weight parameter of the Mutation Log energy
-wsingleton : Adjust the weight parameter of the Singleton energy
-wsec_struct : Adjust the weight parameter of the Secondary Structure energy
-wgap : Adjust the weight parameter of the Gap energy
-wcoredel : Adjust the weight parameter of the Core Deletion energy
-wtwobody : Adjust the weight parameter of the Twobody cuttoff energy
-wthreebody : Adjust the weight parameter of the threebody energy (TEST CODE)
-wfourbody : Adjust the weight parameter of the fourbody energy (TEST CODE)
-wgonnet : Adjust the weight parameter of the Gonnet energy
-wtwobody_frozen : Adjust the weight parameter of the Frozen twobody energy
-wdfire : Adjust the weight parameter of the Dfire distance dependent twobody energy
-wdistconst : Adjust the weight parameter of the Distance constraint energy (TEST CODE)
-simple_twobody : Use a simple assignment comparison, rather then the matrix mulitple for calculating twobody score (TEST CODE)
-oweights : Include the Energy Weight parameters used to produce the alignment in the output file
-otimeinfo : (BROKEN)
-otemplate_loc : (EXPIRED)
-ochk :
-opdb : (EXPIRED)
-obackbone : (TEST CODE)
-v : Verbosity level 1
-vv : Verbosity level 2
-vvv : Verbosity level 3

Prospect Convert

Prospect Convert has the ability to parse equations based on values of the different features for protein alignments.  This feature is primarily for integrating with machine learning based fold recognition techniques.

prospect_convert out.d1ash__.xml -lformat "%sn %sr  %sz"
List all of the templates with name raw score and zscore.

List of Feature names

sa    -    score average
sr    -    score raw
srz   -    score raw zscore
sz    -    score z
sf    -    score zfull
sn    -    score neural network
sel   -    score z mutation log
se1   -    score z singleton
ses   -    score z secondary structure
se2   -    score z twobody
sed   -    score z dfire

su0    -    score user defined
su1    -    score user defined
su2    -    score user defined
su3    -    score user defined
szm    -    score z mean
szs    -    score z sd
sfm    -    score zfull mean
sfs    -    score zfull sd
selm   -    score z mutation log mean
sels   -    score z mutation log sd
se1m   -    score z singleton mean
se1s   -    score z singleton sd
sesm   -    score z secondary structure mean
sess   -    score z secondary structure sd
se2m   -    score z twobody mean
se2s   -    score z twobody sd
sedm   -    score z dfire mean
seds   -    score z dfire sd
ft    -    template length
fq    -    target length
fc    -    core count
fm    -    core residue count
fr    -    length ratio (fq/ft)
fR    -    length ratio (ft/fq)
    //alignment info
an    -    num align res
aN    -    % align res
ac    -    num align core
aC    -    % align core
ai    -    num align ident res
aI    -    % align ident res
am    -    num align core res
aM    -    % align core res
a2c   -    num contact pairs
a2d   -    num half contact pairs
af    -    num target alignment fragments
wm    -    mutation weight
wl    -    mutation log weight
w1    -    singleton weight
ws    -    secondary struct weight
w2    -    twobody weight
wd    -    dfire weight
wo    -    gap open weight
we    -    gap const weight
wt    -    coredel weight
wa    -    template singledel weight
wi    -    template singleins weight
wqa   -    target singledel weight
wqi   -    target singleins weight
wc    -    contactdel weight
em    -    mutation energy
el    -    mutation log energy
e1    -    singleton energy
es    -    secondary struct energy
e2    -    twobody energy
ed    -    dfire energy
et    -    coredel energy
eo    -    gap open energy
ee    -    gap const energy
ea    -    template singledel energy
ei    -    template singleins energy
eqa   -    target singledel energy
eqi   -    target singleins energy
ec    -    contactdel energy
emw   -    mutation energy * weight
elw   -    mutation log energy * weight
e1w   -    singleton energy * weight
esw   -    secondary struct energy * weight
e2w   -    twobody energy * weight
edw   -    dfire energy * weight
etw   -    coredel energy * weight
eow   -    gap open energy * weight
ecw   -    gap const energy * weight
eaw   -    template singledel energy * weight
eiw   -    template singleins energy * weight
eqaw  -    query singledel energy * weight
eqiw  -    query singleins energy * weight
ecw   -    contactdel energy * weight