
OpenProspect is an Open Source Protein structure threading program.  Typically, protein threading tools are only available by web page submissions.  With OpenProspect you have the entire program.   You can even generate your own Protein Templates to thread sequences against.  Once a sequence has been aligned to a  library of template, there are tools to analysis the features of the alignments to help you pick out the best one.  And after that there are tools to help you convert to the  proper format, for that you can work with Modeller or Nest
But more then that, OpenProspect is a Library of Protein Sequence/Structure functions avalible through a a C++/Python API.  You can open FASTA, PsiPred, PDB, or Prospect files, and manipulate them.  There is code for Surface Area Prediction, DSSP based assignment, feature equation parsing, OpenGL rasterisation, and structural alignment.


The Sourceforge summary can be found at
API Documentation  Your primary source of information will be the Documentation of open_prospect.h

You can sign up for the OpenProspect mailing list for discussion and help.